Invitation to SCT and RTA Bloggers
The Spiral Castle Tradition website is getting a makeover, and that includes an update to our blogging efforts.
For now, we are leaving all of the original blog entries about American Folkloric Witchcraft written by Laurelei and Natalie right where they are — on the site.
But the work has continued, and with so many new members to the Clannad (Family network of Spiral Castle witches) and its educational arm (the Red Thread Academy), it’s time to spotlight some fresh voices for this folkloric and traditional path.
What we are looking for:
Witches of the Spiral Castle Tradition — You need to have undergone either the Rite of Adoption (through an SCT Coven) or the Self-Dedication (through the Red Thread Academy).
All levels of study/practice and initiation are welcome to apply.
Topics might include: philosophical insights on cosmology, energy work, Spirit work, tools, etc; narrative descriptions of spells and rituals; modern adaptations of folkloric practices; and more.
Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly posting schedule from each contributor.
Articles must be the original writing of the contributor, and their content must be focused on the Spiral Castle Tradition and the practice of American Folkloric Traditional Witchcraft.
Preference is given to articles that have not been previously published.
Contributors will retain all rights to their content.
Use the form below to submit your application to join the SCT Blog team. Be sure to include your degree level (Dedicate, 1*-3*), 2-3 titles/ideas for articles you would like to write, and a sample of your original writing.