Spiral Castle Tradition &
American Folkloric Witchcraft
We are not a Wiccan group. Instead, our practice is informed largely by Traditional Witchcraft, Northern European and Native American shamanism, American and European folklore, witch trial records, nursery rhymes, balladry, and more.
The first coven within our Tradition (Coven Caer Sidhe), was established by Laurelei and Natalie (Glaux/Indy Babalon) in 2009. The purpose of this Tradition has never been to gather or serve a congregation of Neo-Pagan celebrants. We aim instead to raise Witches who have the mastery to reach the Spiral Castle’s topmost pinnacle and are unafraid to delve to its deepest roots. It is this kinship that draws us together.
The coven and Tradition were founded by Laurelei & Natalie in Jeffersonville, Indiana in early 2009, just across the Ohio River from Louisville, KY. A year later, the then-couple moved north to the outskirts of Indianapolis, and shortly thereafter started the AFW blog (2011) and began teaching the Tradition to others.
In 2015, they divorced, and by the beginning of 2016 (when most of the the dust had settled), Laurelei was again living in Louisville (on the KY side of the river, this time), and Natalie was in the heart of Indy. Both women then led covens within the American Folkloric framework — Laurelei continuing to work with the members of Coven Caer Sidhe (through distance-learning and planned gatherings at local festivals); Natalie founding Crossroads Coven in Indy. While both women work within the American Folkloric framework, their expressions of that path have diverged over the years.
I (Laurelei) continue to write, publish, and teach. My work has been available through Etsy — mainly in the form of wildly popular Book of Shadows pages — within the AFW context, and I have recently started a YouTube Channel, as well. I have so many ideas about Craft to share, here on this blog, on YouTube, and more! There is so much new content heading your way.
Over the years, several people have inquired about study within this system, and I am so happy to finally offer a clear (and still Crooked) pathway for both authentic study and meaningful connection for those who desire them — via the Red Thread Academy.
Finally, it is my intention to offer others — especially Adopted (“Red Cord”) and Raised (“Triple Cord”) members of this Tradition — the opportunity to post on this blog to share their experiences and insights on the Tradition. If you are an American Folkloric Witch (and especially if you are a corded member of SCT or RTA), and you’re interested in contributing, please contact me to talk about the possibilities.