The Courses

  • old book with German-language titles and vintage botanical drawings


    Download our FAQ to get your most common questions answered before purchasing a course guide.

  • woman in a black hat and dress sitting on the grass reading a book

    How to Use the Course Manual

    The first chapter in each of our three course manuals explains how best to approach the material in the course.

  • old books on a library shelf

    Curriculum Map

    View the complete course of study to gain a better idea of the scope of curriculum covered.

  • woman mixing incense by hand in a small cauldron on top of a book with mystical symbols

    Sample Lesson ~ Oath Stone

    Get a sense of the style and structure of the lessons by seeing a complete lesson from the Year 1 curriculum.

What is included in each course?

  • Complete digital (PDF) collection of weekly study notes and assignment guides. (It is RICH with information, activities, rituals, and resources.)

  • Related Book of Shadows pages from Asteria Books (as sold at Blade & Broom — all by Laurelei) to add to your personal Book of Shadows.

  • The opportunity for personalized feedback and mentoring on your assignments, projects, and exams by Laurelei and other members of the RTA community, when you post in the RTA Community Group (Discord)

  • Access to RTA Community sites throughout duration of study (Mastery students are given lifetime access) — additional content, member forums, private Discord server, videos, merchant discounts, freebies, etc.

  • Detailed self-elevation/initiation rituals at the end of the course (along with more BoS pages related to Initiation recipes, ritual, vows, etc)

  • Printable certificates upon course completion

  • Optional Goodies — like printed course manuals & BoS pages; RTA Retreats, Sabbat Gathering, and Initiation Weekends; member discount programs, etc.

Year 1: Foundations

  • Students new to the Spiral Castle will need to begin with the basics of our practice, and this book lays out the roadmap. Learn to Lay the Compass, experience Sacred Time, perform our core rituals, and meet the three Great Powers of the Spiral Castle.

  • Year 1 begins with a Dedication (or Adoption) into the Spiral Castle Family and culminates with the Raising of the Witch.

Year 2: Practicum

  • Now that the theory is firmly in place, it is time to dig into the practical work of being a Witch. Explore ways to live an embodied practice and contribute your skills and talents to your witchy community — wherever it exists. Dive deeply into one of the classical expressions of witchcraft.

  • Year 2 picks up after the first initiation and culminates with the 2nd Degree initiation, which installs and honors the Witch as a specialist in a chosen application of Craft — Artisan, Bard, Conjurer, Healer, Seer, Votary, or Warden.

Year 3: Mastery

  • The final year of study reaches higher and dives deeper, taking the Witch into the heady realms of esoteric mysticism as well as the real-world considerations around leading and teaching within the witchy community.

  • At the end of this course, participants are eligible to take in-person initiation with the Regent and/or Grand Coven. Self-initiation remains an option, as well! Queens, Devils, and Consorts (3rd Degree SCT Witches) may also charter a Coven of their own within the Clannad.