Covens of the Spiral Castle

Covens within the Spiral Castle Tradition are groups of 3 or more practitioners with at last one member of the 3rd Degree acting in the role of officer/organizer.

Scroll down to learn how to charter a Coven of the Spiral Castle.

picture of the five current members of Coven Caer Sidhe -- taken Beltane morning 2019

Coven Caer Sidhe

Northern Kentucky, USA

Coven Caer Sidhe is the “home coven” — the original Coven founded by Laurelei and Natalie,. Laurelei remains a member of the Council of Elders for this long-running (albeit small) group.

Coven Charter

In order to run a recognized Coven within the Spiral Castle Tradition, you need to receive a Charter from the Grand Coven. This Council is comprised of all of the Magisters of Lineage of the Spiral Castle.

The issuing of Charters isn’t based on ideas of control or oversight. We encourage Covens within the Spiral Castle Tradition to operate as they see fit, under their own authority, with the guidance of their Queen/Devil, Consort. We simply want to know and be connected to the People of this Family — this Clannad. (The ap-plication form is somewhat involved in order for us to be familiar with structure and culture of your local group.)

In order to be granted a Coven Charter, all of the following requirements must be met:

• File application

• One member of 3rd Degree — Devil/Queen/Consort or Magister

• At least one other chartering member — 1st Degree or higher

• Sign Charter Agreement

It includes the following questions:

  • Name and contact info of Queen/Devil/Consort/Magister

  • Names and contact info of Chartering Members

  • Proposed name of the Coven

  • List of Coven officers, their duties, their selection procedure, and their term of office — or other description of Coven organization and administration.

  • Description of meeting location(s) for classes, business meetings, rituals, and initiations.

  • Description of financial plan for Coven — including dues paid by members, budgeting of monies, planned fundraising activities, and accounting procedures.

  • Listing of Coven-procured assets (Coven-owned tools, subscriptions, supplies, etc) and their dis-posal/distribution in the event of dissolution of the group. (This list should be updated regularly as part of Coven business meetings and included in the minutes of those meetings.)

  • Initial/Intended meeting schedule (including special groups or committees — ie, Greening/Orientation, 3rd Degree group, Focus Area groups, etc).

  • Process for screening and accepting new Coveners.

  • Process for removing Coveners.

  • Process for mediating conflicts between Coveners.

  • Other notes to describe the nature and character of the Coven, as deemed necessary by the Chartering Members.

Answers can be clarified or revised during the submission and review process.

Upon acceptance of the application by the Grand Coven, the new Coven’s Queen/Devil/Consort and Chartering Members will sign the Chartering Agreement and return a copy to the Grand Coven. Upon acknowledged receipt of this signed document by the Grand Coven, the Coven will be fully chartered and recognized as a Coven of the Spiral Castle Tradition.


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