rustic golden lantern, goat skull with flower crown, anvil and hammer, and red cord on a wooden table

Spiral Castle Witchcraft


The Spiral Castle Tradition helped to pioneer the path of American Folkloric Witchcraft (starting with the AFWCraft blog, which launched in May 2011 and is now archived), and continuing its winding exploration of the Crooked Path with ceaseless — though often private — dedication.

Here, our path emerges back into public view, and we provide opportunities for those who are curious, those who are seeking, and those who wish to join with us in the pursuit of the Cunning Flame.

Everyone is encouraged to secure their own freedom through genuine personal experiences that bear witness to the face of the faceless one.
— Shani Oates (Maid of the Clan of Tubal Cain)
witchy cabinet of curiosities including feathers, charms, and potions
black antique typewriter on white background
bundle of red thread